Hi! I’m Jen Kljajic I am here to walk alongside you in getting ahead of your pain and learning to live within your values and purpose to make the most of everyday.
“I feel, Therefore I am” is a belief I first learned about from one of my mentors, a therapist I met in Hawaii that I have known for over 20 years that I still consult with. He lives off the Grid in the Desert in Arizona now. He was a former high ranking naval officer…
Helping clients slowly taper off of benzos and/or opioids for over 6 years has been extremely rewarding. Watching people get their energy, focus, strength and vitality back is like watching a miracle happen. I have so many more success stories to share, I can’t wait to write them. Often people get labeled and stigmatized as…
A busy mom walked into her doctor’s office after not sleeping for 3 nights. She had a neurotoxic reaction to an antibiotic that caused insomnia, muscle pain, stiffness and akathisia. Ten minutes later she walked out of the office with a prescription for sleep called Ativan, a medium acting benzo. The doctor said it is…
If you’ve ever struggled with sleepless nights, you’re not alone. Insomnia affects millions of people worldwide, leading to fatigue, reduced productivity, and increased stress. While lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques can play a crucial role in improving sleep, what you eat can also make a significant difference. Here are five foods that can help battle…